People, dogs & unusual things that crossed Cursive + MK's path these last few weeks:
2. A woman came into Cursive, shopping for her sisters, and came up with this combination. A Lisa Stickley large make-up pouch and one of the bird tiles. She had placed it like this inside the gift box and I loved it so much, out came my camera...
3. Virginia, a 1st floor salesperson at ABC, always wears her wardrobe
in the coolest ways and this one took the cake yesterday!
in the coolest ways and this one took the cake yesterday!
4. A gentleman was holding all of these things while wandering the
1st floor of ABC. It captured a holiday moment.
1st floor of ABC. It captured a holiday moment.
6. "There's no place like home..." - striped stockings with red glitter shoes worn by two best friends since they were 2 (they are now 6...). What a fabulous combination!
7. A lovely shade of pink
8. Emma
9. Jack (in yellow jacket) & his brother Gavin were playing with the birdcalls
and after saying hello to them I realized that I had met them last year at this time
playing with the same birdcalls. I asked them to choose their favorite birdcall
so I could take a photo of them.
9. Jack (in yellow jacket) & his brother Gavin were playing with the birdcalls
and after saying hello to them I realized that I had met them last year at this time
playing with the same birdcalls. I asked them to choose their favorite birdcall
so I could take a photo of them.