Monday, November 20, 2006

Cursive is ready for the holidays!

The store looks great and its flush with product. Here's a view of the store taken by me holding my digital above my head and making sure my hand was steady as I pressed the shutter.

John Derian plates galore!

We chose new lighting fixtures to be hung over the shop and they really make a difference. They allow the eye to see more of Cursive and not be distracted by large chandeliers. It never fails, whatever we hang over Cursive, we sell.

close-up of glass Christmas trees

diana fayt 2007 calendar

one of four very tall glass vases hand-blown in Brooklyn

still life of lion plate, bird tile, bright green ostrich jewelry box and new decal on wall

bright colored stationery

gift cards printed on heavy card stock

still life below the India ink drawing on tinted paper

we chose this new print on canvas which covers a 2007 diary and journal

and also on the large photo album

a porcelain bird (display only) stands guard alongside two porcelain bookends

view of decal

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